I'm a Software Engineer, aspiring YouTuber, and an all around uber tech geek. I currently live in the Greater Seattle Area.
About Gotta Be Geek
Too many times I've seen common mistakes that beginner Developers and Engineers make, and I've seen practices that are seemingly only practiced at bigger tech companies
I decided I wanted to help beginner to experienced Engineers and Developers learn to code in better, more effecient ways. I also wanted to help cover problems and issues that people face when the documentation for something is either lacking or non-existant.
About Me
Right now I'm helping shape the world of IoT at Microsoft, both internally for Microsoft and for its customers through partnerships with Azure IoT and the Azure Digital Twins platform.
Before Microsoft, I spent 8 1/2 years in the Navy. I eventually realized my potential and interests no longer aligned with the military. The experience was great, and it definitely helped me grow up, mostly. :)
I've learned a lot of things in my 4+ years at Microsoft so far, one thing sticks out above the rest. Technology evolves faster than you can learn it.It sure keeps things interesting though! Also, it gives me a virtually endless number of Geeky things to talk about, so that's why I decided to start a YouTube channel.
Email is for Official Bussiness Inquiries
Email: [email protected]